A quick search for the history of charm bracelets rewards the reader with a fascinating record dating back over 75000 years.
Amulets, believed to have magical powers were used to protect the wearer from evil spirits. During the Roman Empire, Christians would hide fish charms to identify themselves to other Christians, Medieval knights wore charms to protect them in battle and Jewish scholars would carry tiny written passages in Amulets around their neck.
The wearing of Charms as bracelets has been recorded throughout history with varying purposes. Historical records show that charms were worn to protect or ward off spirits or as symbols of faith. The ancient Egyptians would be design charm bracelets and necklaces to symbolise their status in life and provide protection and guidance in the afterlife.
Charm bracelets as we see today owe their popularity to Queen Victoria who loved to wear bracelets adorned with charms. In 1889 Tiffany and Co introduced their first charm bracelet – a link bracelet with a single heart.
Another surge in popularity came during the 1920’s and 30’s. At the end of WWII soldiers returned from Europe and the Pacific region with handmade miniature trinkets fashioned by native craftsmen. These trinkets were often added to a bracelet and the trend for Charm Bracelets grew again but with charms often holding a more sentimental meaning.
During the 1950’s charm bracelets continued in popularity, often gifted to mark a milestone birthday or celebration. Charm bracelets were treasured and charms worn with sentiment. Collections would be added to, recording the life of the wearer in mementos. The bracelets popularity remained throughout the 1960’s which is when I first became fascinated.
The Charm bracelet dipped in and out of fashion throughout the later decades of the 20th Century but the release of the Pirates of the Caribbean at the beginning of the 21st Century brought about new interest. Vintage bracelets soared in value and a new Charm Bracelet phenomenon started.
Modern charm bracelets are available in a wide choice of styles and materials from leather bracelets to platinum bangles with dangling charms to colourful Murano glass beads. Once common theme that has lasted throughout time is the sentiment attached to each of the charms on the wearers wrist. Each wearer attributes their own story in their bracelet and even today charms to bring good luck or to ward of evil can be found on many ladies wrists.