Should Men Wear Bracelets?

Should Men Wear Bracelets?

Should Men Wear Bracelets?

The answer of this question is not straight forward, firstly are we talking on an evening out or to work? The first is easy – absolutely yes!! The second is more difficult and is often subject to where in the world you live.

History tells us that men have always worn bracelets, prehistoric man wore shells and bones to ward of evil, warriors wore cuffs and over the years wealthy men have worn bracelets to demonstrate their power and status, so men can wear bracelets, should they?

I am in the yes camp, I think that today’s bracelet choices offer every man an opportunity to decorate their arms just like their female counterparts.

Bracelets can be dressy, plain or heavily decorated. They can be made in precious metals, leather or string. They can be subtle or well and truly in your face!

Men should have the same opportunity as women to choose pieces that reflect their personality, match their outfit or demonstrate how cool they are.

Look at our men’s category for more details on what and how to wear todays armwear.